
What's up with the name "Lisios"?

The name Lisios is derived from “Lysios”, a term from Greek mythology. It means something like “worry breaker” or “redeemer of worries”. And that is our maxim. We see ourselves as problem solvers. Life offers many challenges for our clients. We want to contribute to making a few less. We want to offer our customers technology and services for a worry-free life.

The founding story

The water castle

Patrick Franken, one of the two founders of Lisios, lives with his family in a water castle in Cologne. If you picture a magnificent residence surrounded by water you’re unfortunately mistaken. “Water castle” is a term from plumber’s jargon and refers to a building with frequent water damage (alternatively also referred to as “dripstone cave”).

Although the building was only built in the early eighties, 3-5 water damages occur there every year. This is due to the poor quality of the piping and the hard water in Cologne.

The idea of the WaterAlarm

When Patrick came back from an owners’ meeting where, as every year, the many damages and the associated costs were discussed, he was fed up. He decided to finally look for a solution to the problem.

Initial research did reveal some devices for detecting leaks, but they were expensive and had to be installed in a complicated way by professional plumbers. There must be an easier solution, Patrick thought to himself. The idea for the Lisios WaterAlarm was born.

The boffin gets on bord

Unfortunately, Patrick lacked the know-how to develop the product himself. So he started looking for someone with the necessary technical expertise. Through a mutual friend, he met Niklas, an engineer and sensor expert.

Niklas was immediately enthusiastic about the idea, sat down at home and experimented for a while. The concept slowly took shape, the innovative method for detecting leaks was patented and Lisios was founded in February 2022.

Lisios in the media

AI technology detects pipe bursts before it’s too late
Artificial intelligence detects water damage
Lisios as participant of the KUER.NRW contest for “green” startups.
Nordpreneur 2022

Lisios wins jury prize at Nordpreneur 2022 startup pitch. 

Innovation Alchemist

Patrick as guest on the Innovation Alchemist Podcast of Felix Kranert

Deutsche Startups
9 young Cologne start-ups that everyone should know about
Deutsche Startups
A startup monitoring water pipes
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